Access the Switch CLI

ExtremeCloud IQ Controller allows access to an ExtremeXOS switch CLI for troubleshooting and manual configuration. Switch CLI access is available in two modes:
  • GUI-Mode. Provided for troubleshooting using CLI Show commands.

    This is the default mode for the switch. For more information on troubleshooting an ExtremeXOS switch, see Troubleshoot a Switch Using the CLI.

  • CLI-Mode. Provided for switch configuration from the command line interface.

    Access CLI-Mode from the Switch Advanced Settings page.



Switching Between GUI and CLI Mode
  • Switching to CLI-Mode is not service disrupting:
    • CLI script runs against the switch.
    • Cloud connector client saves switch configuration to a file.
    • ExtremeCloud IQ Controller uploads and stores the configuration file in Redis.
  • Switching to GUI-Mode is service disrupting:
    • GUI-Mode is the default mode for a switch. When you change to CLI-Mode, and then back to GUI-Mode, the switch is reset to factory settings and configured based on the defaults for the switch model and the site configuration.

To access the switch CLI-Mode:

  1. Go to Configure > Devices > Switches and select an ExtremeXOS switch.
  2. Select Advanced.
  3. Select Change to CLI-Mode.
  4. Select Activate Console.
    A console window opens. It can take up to 60 seconds for the switch to connect.
  5. When the login prompt displays, log in with your ExtremeCloud IQ Controller credentials.